Marketing Teams

Marketing Teams and Creative Agencies are under high pressure to achieve increased efficiency for marketing operations such as branding, PR campaigns, product launches, website updates or general design work. Marketing projects are challenging and difficult to manage because of the dynamic environment and the different teams involved. An average marketing organization fights overflowing e-mail inboxes and huge numbers of spreadsheets. Too many meetings cause work interruptions that slow down the creative process. Missed deadlines, reworks and inefficiencies are the results.

In order to successfully improve the general aspects of marketing workflows the marketing project manager has to see at one glance the workload situation of designers, developers, proofreaders and copywriters. runsimply Collaborative Project Management Software helps to synchronize the flow of marketing operations:

  • Merge brainstorming conversations with tasks, projects and documents.
  • Manage Marketing requests centrally and track the workflow in one place.
  • Work better, faster and smarter while increasing stakeholder satisfaction with the delivered results.
  • Drive Design and get visibility and the insight you need.